Saturday, January 26, 2008

whats the point ?

ok so i had this project for debate. and i think it is probably the should i put it umm idiotic project ever. We had to decide what political party we were most comfortable representing and which presidential candidate from that party, would be the best choice for our future president. So i researched each candidate and the results where interesting.Gilulani s kids hate him so much that they wont even vote for him. Huckabee has repeatably told Romney he is not a christian because he is Mormon. Hillary Clintons husband cheated on her and she didn't do any thing about it(probably for political reasons. Barack Obama is for abortion. and we are constantly being reminded about the race for president and its only January! I recently watched a video of Hillary and Obama arguing and the whole time i was waiting for Hillary to jump out at obama and bite his head off. and they aren't two different party s they are in the same one! She actually stated that she was more pro-abortion then he was WHO REALLY CARES!!
i actually prefer a president who is not for abortion. so if this is the united states of America why aren't we united?


britentj said...

That is something that makes you think isnt it?

I want a president who wants what is best for this country, has high morals and standards, and who understands compassion and forgiveness. hmmm maybe I should run for president,, what do ya think?? ***GRIN***

Courtney said...

I love the assignment! I wish my teachers assigned something like that. I love politics, but I too hate how some of these policitians are so...fake. It's almost like they were a mask in front of the public or something. All of the canidates drive me crazy except Romney. I loved his faith in America speach!

Kay said...

I'm glad to hear you have some opinions with what is going on with politics. Welcome to America! There will be a lot of talk for the next few months. I'll be glad when November is here and all this will be over for a couple of years. I'm anxious to see you TOMORROW! Love Grandma